Restore for Life
Is an original Neuro-Acupuncture Light Touch energy therapy, that is a combination of science and spirituality. Developed by Susan Burdick, she cultivated her wide range of abilities and channeled the ultimate gift that is, the Restore system. This system utilizes the body’s natural healing abilities which can address both simple restorative needs as well as complex life altering situations.
Endorsed by Kelly Gores, director, producer of the HEAL documentary and podcast Heal with Kelly.
What kinds of effects might I notice?
The key to the Restore system is that it clears dysfunction on any level, removing the limitations that stand in the way of your healing potential. Ultimately, Restore for Life delivers the ability to lighten your heart and expand your vision, allowing your connection to the limitless knowledge accessible within the field and in your body. With your Guides beside you, everything is possble.
Restore is the science of your body, soul and spirit that addresses all aspects of you as yoga and meditation does but at a much faster pace to heal. Attune to your higher power and experience, personal breakthroughs, miraculous healings, and profound transformations.
The health of every cell in your body depends on the connectivity and internal communication of the entire system. Restore uses the natural approach to reconnect, regulate and repair all aspects of healthy body function through the biofields, meridians, neurological system, acupuncture points and fascia, that’s photon light.
Gentle light touch and your natural energy are the stimulus that ignites a response by the nervous system. In response to the sensation of touch, a wide range of receptors in your skin activate sensory neurons. These neurons then send information up to the parts of the brain known as the somatosensory cortex and limbic system. As these chemical messages flow into the brain, it processes, interprets, and responds to those messages by working to make corrections in the area that sent the signal. How can it do that? The somatosensory cortex is a quite large region, but most importantly, every part of the body is directly represented in it, so it’s a complete internal body map. Using special connections between sensory neurons and motor neurons called interneurons, these sensory cells can have effects on muscle movement and function as well. During a session, hundreds of neural receptors are activated, thereby affecting all aspects of your current situation and releasing cellular memory.
Moreover, all internal parts of our body from head to toe are encased in fascia and connective tissue, a high-speed full body communication system that can store and process information subconsciously. This is the only system that goes to every cell and every part of your body, which is why working with it through light touch can have such wide-ranging effects.
Your limbic system is the emotional part of your brain that has a huge impact on your health. It’s in the subconscious where old thoughts, trauma, fears, and bad habits reside. By releasing the continual loop, you now can move forward with an open heart creating better health as a cohesive being, physically and emotionally. These full body processes explains why something that looks as insufficient as light touch can be so powerful and have extraordinary results on our health and well-being.
Restore for Life is a gentle therapy but does not replace your medical doctor. It can accelerate the pace of recovery from an illness, dysfunction or injury, decreasing your down time because you are now getting everything you need to thrive. This safe, fast, non-invasive approach allows the body to heal itself naturally. It does not interfere with any medical procedure or medications you may be taking.